Air heaters, direct fired |
Baghouse advanced control systems |
Baghouses and bin vents |
Basin Mixers / Agitators |
Dampers |
Drum mixers |
Expansion joints in metal, fabric, and rubber |
Hot gas heat recovery heat exchangers |
Interstage compressor coolers |
Lightning protection for industrial and municipal facilities |
Lightning protection ground surveys and equipment |
Liquid ring vacuum pumps |
Machined components and parts |
Metal fabrication, quick-turn |
Metering skids |
Mixer ergonomic tote stands |
Non-Slip Metal Flooring |
Non-Slip Drain Covers |
Non-Slip Vault Covers |
Non-Slip Stair Treads |
Non-Slip Handrails |
Oil skimming systems |
Ovens for batch curing |
Ovens for conveyor applications |
Plate and frame heat exchangers |
Plate and frame HEX service |
Portable and clamp mount mixers |
Pump suction diffusers |
Resin coating repairs, pipe, basin, tanks |
Sample coolers |
Scrubber absorber columns |
SCR Catalyst on site Rejuvenation |
Shell and tube heat exchangers |
Shell and tube hex inspection and cleaning |
Side entry tank mixers |
Steam jet ejectors and eductors |
Strainers, self-cleaning, automated and manual |
Strainers, simplex and duplex basket type |
Tanks, pressure vessels & reactors |
Thermal oxidation , incinerators direct fired |
Thermal oxidation, regenerative (RTO) |
Top mount tank mixers |
Tote mixers |
Vent condensers |